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How to Be an Innovator: 10 Tips for Tapping Into Your Creative Side


Are you looking to become an innovator or an entrepreneur?Do you want to find new and better ways of doing things? If so, you’re in the
right place! Here are 10 tips for tapping into your creative side. Innovation
is key to success in any field, and it’s important to learn how to access your
inner creativity. Here’s how. 

Innovation is the key to making the world a better place.Challenging the status quo, recognizing current design flaws, and thinking
outside the box to come up with solutions – these are key elements of being an
innovator. If you think you have what it takes to innovate, but don’t know how
to harness it, here are 10 need-to-know tips. 

1. Gather Inspiration 

When you’re looking around you for inspiration, lookstowards all areas of your life. Pay attention to the little things and look for
signs in everyday experiences that could lead to new ideas. Look at the world
around you and observe how people interact with technology, products, and each
other. If you do this, new invention ideas will be just around the corner. 

2. Exercise Your Brain 

Innovation requires a mental exercise. Doing activities likecrosswords, puzzles, and other brain games will help you stay sharp and think
outside the box. Brain training apps on your cell phone can also be a great way
to fit in some brain exercise when you have a spare 10 minutes. 

3. Take Notes 

Make sure to take notes of your ideas and observations. Thiswill help you keep track of them and build upon them when you have time to
think. Be sure to carry a pen and paper with you everywhere you go, so that
when inspiration strikes, you’re ready to capture it. Some people prefer to
leave themselves voice notes – so do whatever works for you. 

4. Experiment 

Sometimes the best way to come up with a new idea is toexperiment and play around with things. If you have a great idea, try it out
and see what happens. Don’t be afraid to fail, as failure can often lead to

5. Look Towards People You Admire 

Whether it’s other innovators or people simply doing greatthings in their field, looking to people you admire can help inspire you to
innovate. Seeing what others have done and accomplished can give you some
invention tips, and can help motivate you to take action on your own ideas.
Read widely to find amazing innovators you might not know about yet. 

6. Ask Questions 

Start asking questions about the world around you, and whythings work the way they do. This will help you gain a better understanding of
the things you observe, and lead to new ideas on how to make them better.
Expose yourself to new experiences in order to ask more questions about the
world too. Visit a museum you’ve never been to before, go to a public lecture
at a university, or join a Meet-Up group about a subject you’re not very
familiar with. 

7. Take Breaks 

Taking regular breaks is essential to the creative process.Get away from your desk, enjoy nature, and have fun. Taking a break from work
can help you come back to it with a fresh perspective and new ideas. Sometimes
the best ideas are born from long hikes, train journeys with inspiring scenery,
or weekends away from home. 

8. Out of the Box Thinking 

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and come up withcrazy ideas. These are often the ones that will make a real difference. By
pushing yourself to think outside of your comfort zone, you’ll be able to come
up with some truly unique and revolutionary ideas. You can test your abilities
for out of the box thinking by setting yourself a challenge (look up a
challenge on the internet if you can’t think of one) and then writing post-it
notes for each possible solution. Force yourself to write down even the most
crazy sounding ideas. When you analyze the pros and cons of each idea after the
challenge, you may realize there are some useful nuggets that sit within crazy

9. Openness to Criticism 

Be open to constructive criticism. If you are able to acceptcriticism, and even welcome it, you can use it to help refine your ideas and
make them better. If you have an idea for an innovation or invention, you could
pitch it at an event at a coworking space or innovation hub. There are plenty
of these around, and the very idea is that other innovators interrogate your
ideas to make it better in the end. 

10. Take Action 

Once you have an idea, don’t be afraid to take action. Youmay not know all the answers or how exactly it will turn out, but don’t let
that stop you. It’s important to take risks and be willing to fail in order to
succeed. Innovation is a process of trial and error, so don’t be afraid to take
action on your ideas. 

These 10 tips should help you get started when it comes totapping into your creative side and succeeding as an innovator. Take the time
to experiment, ask questions, take breaks, and seek feedback from others. When
you are ready, take action on your ideas and use them to make a difference in
the world. Good luck!