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Working with InventHelp for Your New Invention: A Comprehensive Guide


When you come up with a new invention idea but have neverbeen involved in inventing before, it can seem a bit daunting. For many new
inventors, one of the key issues is working out what to do with the new
invention idea. Many are unaware of how the process works and what they need to
do. As a result, a lot of people end up giving up on their great ideas rather
than moving forward with them. 

It is important to keep in mind that there are providersthat can help, and they specialize in working with new inventors. This includes
providers such as InventHelp, which provides a packaged new inventions service
that can prove invaluable to those who are entering the world of new inventions
for the very first time. By turning to the right provider, you can make the
whole process bother easier and more manageable, and this means that you can
look forward to a more enriching first experience as an inventor. 

Of course, there are no guarantees of success in the worldof inventions, and you should never assume that there are. Providers such as
InventHelp are there to provide you with support, guidance, and access to
resources as well as practical help. They are not there to provide you with
false promises and guarantees of success, and any company that does this should
be treated with caution.  

If you have not heard about InventHelp before, you naturallywant to learn as much as you can before making any commitment. It is wise to do
this with any provider you are considering using, as you need to ensure you
make the right decisions and choices with something as important as your first

Looking at InventHelp reviews and information can make iteasier for you to learn all about this provider, how it operates, and how you
can benefit by turning to these professionals. This can also give you a better
idea of whether this is the right provider for your specific needs, which means
that you can make a more informed decision. 

So, read on to learn more about InventHelp and the potentialbenefits of turning to these pros.  

What You Need to Know About InventHelp 

It is important to learn as much as you can about thisprovider before you make any decisions with regard to whether it is the right
provider for you. As such, looking at common questions and answers from others
can prove invaluable. This is a great way to find out more and learn about how
the provider operates. You can then better determine whether this is the right
provider for your needs when it comes to finding professionals to help you with
your first invention journey. 

So, let’s take a look at some common questions to help youto find out more about this provider: 

Is InventHelp a Big Company? 

One of the things that is always of interest to newinventors who are looking for a suitable provider is whether InventHelp is a
big company. Many prefer to work with a provider that has a strong presence and
a solid background in the field. Well, the good news is that InventHelp ticks
all of these boxes. 

With a presence in more than 65 cities in the United Statesand Canada, this is a company that has a long and respected reputation in the
field. With its headquarters in Pennsylvania, the company employs many
specialists and professionals with the knowledge, expertise, and experience to
help new inventors with their journeys. The company has been around for close
to four decades, so it has managed to hold its own in what has become a very
competitive market.  

So, if you are worried about how big and experienced theprovider is, there is no need to be concerned. You can rest assured that the
company has a strong presence as well as a respected and solid reputation.  

Does InventHelp Have a Solid History? 

Another thing that many people are keen to find out iswhether the provider has a solid history when it comes to supporting new
inventors with new invention ideas. Well, with nearly 40 years of experience,
there is definitely a solid history and background with this provider. If you
are looking for a company with a solid track record, you will be pretty impressed
with what InventHelp can offer. 

The company was established in the mid-1980s, and sincethen, it has helped many new inventors by providing support, guidance, access
to resources, and practical assistance. You will find a wide range of reviews
online too, and this enables you to learn more about the history and background
of the company as well as get more of an idea about experience levels and track

Over the decades, InventHelp has developed a strong andsolid reputation for helping new inventors to move forward with their ideas.
This means that you can benefit from greater reassurance when you turn to the
team for help with your own new invention journey. 

What Is InventHelp's Reputation Like? 

Following on from the last question, the reputation of thiscompany is solid and lengthy, as it has such a strong background in the field.
When a company has been around for 40 years, you know that it is doing
something right. It can be difficult to survive in today’s competitive world as
a business unless you are ticking all the boxes, so you can be confident that
the provider has gained its solid reputation for all the right reasons. 

Again, looking at reviews from other inventors who turned tothe InventHelp team can give you a better idea of what the provider’s
reputation is like. Naturally, you want to see unbiased opinions about any
provider you are considering using, and checking out online reviews gives you
the chance to achieve this goal with greater ease.  

Over the decades, this provider has gained a solidreputation for not only providing support and guidance to new inventors but
also offering valuable practical assistance to aid them on their initial
invention journeys.  

How Does InventHelp Operate? 

Naturally, most new inventors who are considering usingInventHelp are eager to know how the company operates. Most are unaware of how
the new invention process works, which is why they are turning to experts. The
InventHelp service is based on the packaging of an invention idea, and there
are various processes that are included as part of the service.  

With thousands of companies on its database, InventHelp canensure your invention idea is reviewed by relevant businesses in a timely
manner. All of the companies on the database are interested in finding fresh
talent and reviewing the ideas of new inventors. So, this does give you a head
start compared to trying to go it alone. 

There are many other things that the InventHelp team does inorder to assist new inventors as part of the process. This includes everything
from referring you to a legal expert for patent protection to assisting you
with a prototype, providing guidance and support, and more. You can benefit
from a comprehensive service that is designed to streamline the process and
make your journey more enjoyable and manageable.  

Does InventHelp Guarantee Success? 

Earlier in this article, we mentioned that there are noguarantees of success in the world of new inventions and that it would be
remiss of any company to extend this sort of guarantee. As such, you will never
receive any guarantee of success from the team at InventHelp, as it is not
possible for them to do this. Makingfalse promises is not what the team is about – it is all about support,
guidance, and practical help. 

If you come across any new invention services provider thatguarantees success (at a price, of course), you are advised to steer well
clear. Some unscrupulous providers will raise hope and make false promises such
as this, and these are the ones you need to keep away from. Fortunately,
InventHelp does not make false promises like this, and it would be unethical of
them to do so.  

What Is the Cost of Using InventHelp? 

Another thing that a lot of new inventors want to know iswhat it will cost them to get help from the experts. Naturally, this is
something that you will want to find out, as it will affect your finances. As a
business, InventHelp does have to charge a fee for services, otherwise, it would
be unable to function. There is a small fee, and this is based on the
individual case or project, so the pricing can vary.  

The good news is that InventHelp prides itself ontransparency, and this means you do not have to worry about hidden costs and
fees. All costs are outlined at the start before any contracts are signed or
any commitments are made. Therefore, you can ensure you are completely happy
with the costs involved before moving forward with your agreement and journey.  

The key thing to remember is that you don’t have to worryabout hidden fees, which is often a problem with less reputable providers. You
will know from the start what the costs will be, and you can therefore make an
informed decision.  

Can I Make Money from My Invention? 

A lot of new inventors naturally want to make money fromtheir inventions, and they are keen to know if InventHelp can make this happen.
Well, this comes back to the provider being unable to guarantee the success of
your invention. If your invention does well in commercial markets, you can make
money. If it does not do well, then you are unlikely to make money. InventHelp
cannot help you to make money from your invention, as they cannot guarantee the
success of the invention. 

What they can do, however, is provide you with the supportand guidance that you need in order to move forward with your invention
journey. This is something that can prove invaluable if you want to ensure
everything is done by the book and you want to open up new opportunities for yourself.

Does InventHelp Offer Protection? 

Many new inventors are concerned about the security of theirinformation and details pertaining to their new invention idea. Naturally, no
new inventor wants the details of their idea leaked so that they could fall
into the wrong hands. This is something that can cause a lot of worry for some

You will be pleased to know that InventHelp does havestringent measures in place to ensure the security and protection of your
information. This means that you can be confident that the details of your
invention idea are secure and confidential.  

As a new inventor, one of the risks you might face issomeone else coming up with the same idea as you and patenting it before you
get the chance. Another risk is that someone might actually take your idea and
claim it as their own, which could leave you in a very difficult situation. It
is natural, therefore, that you want the details of your idea to be safe and

With confidentiality agreements and other protocols inplace, InventHelp ensures that the details of your invention are kept safe. So,
you do not have to worry about them being leaked and falling into the wrong

Can My Invention Be Promoted by InventHelp? 

One of the questions people often ask is whether InventHelpwill actually actively promote their invention idea or creation. Well, the
professionals at this company do attend trade shows and events. However, this
tends to be more for promoting the company as a whole so that more businesses
take an interest in relation to reviewing the ideas of new inventors. In
addition, it gives them the chance to network and aid the growth of the
business, which also benefits the new inventors that work with InventHelp. 

They do not tend to promote specific inventors or inventionsat these events. However, they do submit new invention ideas to relevant
companies from their database, so this is one of the ways in which your
invention idea is promoted by the provider.  

Will InventHelp Give Me Opinions About My Idea? 

Some new inventors are unsure about their idea, and theyseek the opinions of others. It is fine to ask your friends, family, and other
people you know to see what they think. But what about the team at InventHelp –
can they offer opinions? Well, the answer to this is an emphatic ‘no’ as it
would not be professional nor ethical of them to do this.  

You should not expect any opinions about your idea from theteam at InventHelp. They are there to support and guide you, not to offer their
personal thoughts on the ideas you come up with. So, if you are keen to see
what others think, focus on your friends and family members, as professionals
in this capacity cannot provide you with their own opinions.  

How Does InventHelp Assist New Inventors? 

Of course, most people want to know how InventHelp canassist new inventors. There are actually many different ways in which this
provider is able to assist you as a new inventor, and this is why a lot of
newbies turn to this company for assistance with their new invention idea.  

We will look more closely at the benefits of usingInventHelp further down this article, but there are lots of ways in which the
company can assist you. Some of the key ways in which they can help are: 

Providing guidance and support 

Assisting with practical processes 

Providing access to tools and resources 

Submitting your idea for review to a database of companies 

Helping to keep your confidence and motivation levels up 

Using their years of expertise to assist you 

The above is just a summary of the ways in which thisprovider can assist you as a new inventor.  

What Sort of Practical Help Can I Expect? 

While the support and guidance that you get from InventHelpcan prove invaluable, you can also expect practical assistance with some key
processes involved. One of these is getting patent protection for your
invention idea, and this legal protection is very important if you want to
reduce the risk of issues. By referring you to a legal expert, the team can
help to ensure you get the protection you need for your invention. 

Another practical form of assistance offered is helping withyour prototype. When you have a prototype, you can show people something
tangible rather than just talking about your idea. This can help to generate
more interest from people such as business owners and managers or potential
investors. Getting assistance from the team means that you can ensure you have
the ideal prototype to impress others.  

What Benefits Can I Expect? 

So, now that we have looked at some of the common questionsand answers about InventHelp, we can move on to the types of benefits that you
can expect when you turn to these professionals. There are lots of benefits for
new inventors to look forward to when they bring this company on board to help
with their first journey. Some of the main ones are: 

Getting Valuable Support When You Need It 

One of the major ways in which you can benefit as a newinventor is by getting valuable support from the experts during your first
journey. New inventors with no experience in this field can feel very lost and
confused, as there is so much involved in the new inventions process. However,
with the right team on hand, you can get support and guidance whenever you need
it. This can make a huge positive difference to your experience and can help to
ensure you stay on track with your first invention journey. 

The Experience and Expertise of the Professionals 

When inventors decide to go it alone for their firstexperience, they often have nobody to turn to for support and help. When you
turn to the team at InventHelp, you not only have support available when you
need it, but you also get to draw on the expertise and experience of
professionals who have been in the industry for years. 

This expertise can prove invaluable to new inventors, and itmeans that they can turn to people who have an in-depth knowledge of the new
invention process as well as access to a wide range of tools and resources.  

Practical Assistance with Important Processes 

As discussed earlier, there is a lot of practical assistanceneeded on your first invention journey, as there are key tasks that need to be
performed. Another huge benefit you get when you turn to the InventHelp team is
practical help with processes such as getting your prototype sorted out and getting
proper legal protection in place through a patent lawyer. 

If you want to ensure everything is done by the book andthat you stay on track through your invention journey, having assistance with
practical processes is vital. This is exactly what you will get from the
InventHelp team, and this can make a huge positive difference when it comes to
your first invention experience.  

Help with a Range of Tasks 

The diversity of the support you get from the team is alsohugely beneficial, and it means that you won’t have to worry about feeling lost
or not knowing what to do next. The InventHelp team can assist you with all
tasks involved during your journey, which means that you will have support and
help with tasks from start to finish.  

Again, this is something that can be very reassuring for newinventors, as most have no idea what steps they need to take. When you have
someone to turn to for help with a variety of processes during your first
journey, it can make all the difference.  

Submissions to Get Your Invention Idea Reviewed 

A very important benefit of using InventHelp is that itgives you the opportunity to get your invention idea reviewed by companies on
their database. With thousands of businesses keen to review the ideas of fresh
talent, this can give you a huge advantage over new inventors that decide to go
it alone.  

As many inventors will know from experience, gettingbusinesses to take an interest and review ideas can be very difficult. Stiff
competition in all industries has made this even harder. However, having a team
of professionals with access to a database of interested customers gives you
the edge and means that you can get your idea reviewed with far greater ease
and convenience.  

A More Exciting and Enriching Journey 

When you embark upon your first journey as a new inventor,you do not want it to be fraught with stress and frustration. However, if you
do not have the right support, this can easily happen. There is nothing more
likely to put you off ever inventing again than a bad first experience! With
the support of the InventHelp team, you can avoid this. 

With the right support and guidance, you can look forward toa first experience that is far more enjoyable and exciting. This means that you
are more likely to feel motivated to move forward with your journey and take it
all the way to the end. In addition, it is far more enriching, as you can learn
from the experts as you go along. This can then benefit you for future
invention endeavors, which means that you will continue to reap the rewards of
your first experience.  

Making an Informed Decision 

Hopefully, the information above has helped you to learnmore about InventHelp, what the team does, how it can help, and how you can
benefit. Getting all of this information before you make any decisions can
prove very helpful. It means that you can get a far better idea of what to
expect, and you can then make a more informed decision.  

Your first invention journey is a very important one, and itcan have a direct impact on your future. It can even impact whether or not you
decide to continue inventing. This is why you need to make sure you have the
right people to help you, and that you do everything you can to enjoy a
positive first experience. This is something that can be aided by turning to
the right professionals.  

Thanks to the experience and expertise of InventHelp coupledwith its solid reputation and track record, you can move forward with
confidence when you have these professionals on board. Having support from the
start of your first journey until the very end is something that can prove invaluable.
While there is a fee for the service, you can see from the details outlined
above that you get a huge amount of support and many benefits. So, you should
see this as an investment in your future.